
三农助农2022-06-13 12:18:41佚名


  CANADA - A Farm Management Consultant with MNP says Saskatchewan is at a starting point in terms of looking at reinvestment in hog production capacity, writes Bruce Cochrane."Pork Investment in Saskatchewan" was among the topics discussed last week as part of Saskatchewan Pork Industry Symposium 2016 in Saskatoon.Eric Olson, a Farm Management Consultant with MNP, says in the short term, the next year, we've got an over supply of pigs but long term, two to three years or five to ten years, given the processing capacity that's not being used there will likely be incentives for producers to build barns and get into the hog business.

  布鲁斯·科克伦(Bruce Cochrane)写道,据MNP的农场经营咨询师称,为了考察养猪生产能力的再投资潜力,萨斯喀彻温省将成为一个再投资的起点。萨斯卡通市召开了2016年萨斯喀彻温省猪肉行业研讨会,会议在上周议论了“萨斯喀彻温省猪肉投资”的主题。MNP的农场经营咨询师埃里克奥尔森(Eric Olson)说:“我们的猪将在短期内,譬如说明年,会供过于求,但从长期来看,在未来的两到三年,甚至五到十年,考虑到还未使用的加工能力。这将约摸成为一种鼓动,吸引养殖户创造猪圈,并投身于养猪业。”

本文标签: ,加拿大  ,再投资  ,养殖户  ,养猪行情  


